01 setembro, 2007

E eu que julgava que tinhamos publico de todas as idades!!!

Andava no google a fazer umas buscas... e vejam só o que encontrei: Um texto de uma turista inglesa que se deslocou à Fatacil para ver o nosso concerto com os Off The Wall. E ela deu-se ao trabalho de escrever sobre nós!!! Ai... ri-me tanto!

"(...)Unfortunately I cannot say the same about the opening group. Monomonkey, as they were called, apparently a popular Portuguese group left me quite cold. In my opinion their stage presence was non-existent and you could not hear a word they were singing because the drumming was far too loud- (ouviste bruno?!) -. Definitely head banging music, which I have never liked, all noise and no substance. There was one young lady though who was completely absorbed in this, head banging and thoroughly enjoying her self. Perhaps I am just getting old! This we suffered from 10.30 pm until 11.50 pm when “Off the Wall” finally appeared."

Visto em: http://www.carvoeiro.com/Newsletters/08_2007.html

1 comentário:

vertigo disse...

headbanging music
ai ai
é só barulho!!!!

ai ai,esses monomonkey
